While both January and February can be considered "blue" months due to the winter weather and shorter daylight hours, most people generally feel a slight improvement in mood by February (we hope!). However, as we all know, our mood doesn’t know which month it is, so here are a few gentle tips to help you take care of your mental health and stress levels at work and during your apprenticeship this year. 
Tips to help you: 
Last year’s version of you was great – you don’t need to reinvent yourself every new year! 
Get some fresh air or just take a break and stretch (you can even do this at your desk! - Have a look into Box Breathing) 
Speak to colleagues and managers (or your apprenticeship mentor) and be honest about how you are feeling 
Be nice to yourself and stay positive - what are you doing well at? Rather than not 
Have a think about what is going well and what you may have to look forward to. If you don’t have anything, plan a simple day out or coffee with a friend so you have something to look forward to 
Take small, manageable steps, every little helps – get in touch with your apprenticeship trainer about an action plan if you are struggling with this 
Prioritise – you can’t do everything at once 
Practice mindfulness and do regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet 
Set boundaries, it is ok to say no (or not now!) 
Work on your self-esteem and confidence (Have a look into ‘Power Poses’) 
'If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward' – Martin Luther King Jr. 
Remember, we’re here to support you. 
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