At Fareport Training, we believe that the more informed you are, the better decisions you can make. To help with this, we’ve compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions. We hope this answers any queries you may have. However, if there's anything else you'd like to know, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to help! 
Why choose Fareport? Why work with Fareport? 
Fareport Training is an Ofsted graded 'Good' work-based training provider. We deliver Apprenticeships and Customised Training to employers who want to upgrade the skills and qualifications of their workforce. Read more in our blog
How do I start working with Fareport? 
We can provide all the information you need to know in order to offer an apprenticeship to existing or new staff. Read more in our blog
What is an Apprenticeship? 
There are rules governing what an apprenticeship is. The main ones are: 
The apprentice must be employed in a real job; they may be an existing employee or a new hire 
The apprentice must work towards achieving an approved apprenticeship standard or apprenticeship framework 
The apprenticeship training and employment must last at least 12 months 
What are the types or levels of apprenticeships?  What are the employer responsibilities when taking an apprentice?  How do apprenticeships work for employers? How do we maximise the return on our investment? 
If you have employees who live in England and are over 16, they can apply for an Apprenticeship. There are various levels of Apprenticeship they can undertake depending on their current skills and qualifications: 
Intermediate Level Apprenticeship (Level 2) 
Advanced Level Apprenticeship (Level 3) 
Higher and Degree Level Apprenticeship (Level 4 or above) 
All Apprenticeships are real jobs so all apprentices earn a salary. You must pay your apprentices at least the national apprentice minimum wage, currently £6.40 per hour (Tax year 24/25), however many employers pay significantly more. This increases to £7.55 from April 2025. Apprentices should work for at least 30 hours per week and an Apprenticeship takes between one and five years to complete, depending upon the level of Apprenticeship and the industry sector. 
Most of the training is delivered in the workplace, so your staff will learn the skills they need to do the job well. The rest of the training is given by a training organisation, either at the workplace, off-site or via e-learning. The balance of this is set to suit you as the employer and your staff member. The training is specifically tailored to ensure learners develop the skills their employer wants, giving apprentices a real advantage in the workplace. This means that apprentices not only have better long term salary prospects, but they also have excellent progression opportunities, whether looking to study further or climb the ranks within the workplace. 
Read more in our employer guide here
Read more in our blog
What is off the job training? 
All learners on an apprenticeship are entitled to time for off the job training, to support their qualification. 
DfE funding rules state that “Off-the-job training is training received by the apprentice, during the apprentice’s paid hours, for the purpose of achieving their apprenticeship. It is not training delivered for the sole purpose of enabling the apprentice to perform the work for which they have been employed.” 
Read more in our blog
How much does an apprenticeship cost? How can I fund apprenticeships in my business? What is the Apprenticeship Levy? What is the cost for smaller businesses / SME?  What funding is available? 
The government apprenticeship levy is a tax aimed at helping companies provide more apprenticeship opportunities. If you are an apprenticeship levy paying employer, the total cost can be paid from your online Apprenticeship Service Account. Only employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3 million are liable to pay the levy. 
Employers with a pay bill of less than £3 million a year do not pay the levy, and the rate you contribute depends on the age of your learner: 
If you train someone up to the age of 21 the government will pay the full funding 
If you train someone over 21 then Fareport can support you to find a large employer who will sponsor your employee using their apprenticeship levy. 
If you choose to fund the training yourself then 95% of their apprenticeship training costs will be paid by the government, with the remaining 5% paid by the employer directly to the training provider. Depending on the apprenticeship, you will pay as little as £150 and a maximum of £450 for some high-level apprenticeships. 
All Apprenticeships are real jobs so all apprentices earn a salary. You must pay your apprentices at least the national apprentice minimum wage, currently £6.40 per hour (Tax year 24/25). This increases to £7.55 from April 2025. 
The cost to you of the training depends on the size of your business. Find out more about Apprenticeship Funding here
What is the apprenticeship service account and how do I manage this?  Where can I review or leave feedback on my training provider? 
The Apprenticeship Service account is a government portal that allows employers to manage apprenticeships. 
You’ll need a GOV.UK One Login to set up or access an account. You can create one in the service using a work email address. If you’re an employer, sign in to this service to: 
create apprenticeship adverts 
accept employer agreements with the Department for Education (DfE) 
give account access to people within your organisation 
give training providers permission to do some things for you (such as creating adverts and reserving funds) 
You can also use this service to add details about your: 
organisation or company 
PAYE scheme 
If you do not pay the apprenticeship levy, use this service to reserve funding. 
If you pay the levy, use this service to manage funding and provider payments. 
You can also provide (employer and learner) feedback here, whilst on programme.  
Who are Apprenticeships for? Do I have to spend all my Apprenticeship Levy on young people under 25?  Can I use apprenticeships to upskill current staff? Are apprenticeships for me? 
The levy can be used for the whole of your workforce (new or existing) irrespective of age as long as they meet the apprenticeship eligibility criteria. 
Apprenticeships can be completed by existing staff who want to develop their skills and knowledge, or someone who has joined the organisation specifically in an apprenticeship role. 
 You can also apply for an apprenticeship while you’re still at school. To start one, you’ll need to be: 
16 or over 
living in England 
not in full-time education 
Read more in our blog
What are the benefits of apprenticeships? 
Apprenticeships benefit employers and individuals by boosting skills and improving productivity. 
It is a way to learn and gain valuable skills, knowledge and behaviours while you work. 
The training is specifically tailored to ensure learners develop the skills their employer wants, giving apprentices a real advantage in the workplace. This means that apprentices not only have better long-term salary prospects, but they also have excellent progression opportunities, whether looking to study further or climb the ranks within the workplace. 
A key benefit of the apprenticeship is that it is delivered over at least 12 months. The programme is carefully planned so that knowledge is built up slowly, each piece of knowledge building on the last. The learning is embedded when learners put it into practice back in the workplace and receive feedback at each stage. Learners’ knowledge is regularly checked, and new skills and behaviours are observed. The learner works towards a final end point assessment where everything they have learnt comes together. This all works to ensure that the new skills and knowledge will be retained over the long term. 
Apprenticeships contain lots of useful theories, models and knowledge. But they are also always practical. The knowledge and theory must be put into context and used in real life scenarios. Learners will be shown the practical application of the content they are learning. 
Read more in our blog
Where can I find training providers for apprenticeships? 
If you’re an employer, you can find training for your apprentices here
You’ll be able to: 
choose an apprenticeship training course 
choose a course at the right level and skills 
find a training provider 
Fareport is an Ofsted 'Good' work-based provider with 40 years of experience. We deliver apprenticeships and commercial training across England to employers who want to upskill and reskill their workforce. We have highly qualified trainers with real world experience who work closely with our employers to deliver bespoke programmes, based on your needs. We provide a comprehensive package of support to apprentices and line managers, whether in the workplace, at our site or online. Fareport hold MATRIX and CIPD accreditation. Programmes include, Management, Business Admin, HR, People Professional, Procurement, Project Management and Data Analyst. Not all Providers are the same. Find out more in our Employer Testimonials and Learner Success. 
Read more about us here
You may also find this blog useful. 
Why recruit an apprentice? 
Apprenticeships are much more than completing a standard or achieving a qualification. They are an excellent way of gaining workplace experience, understanding how a business works, improving personal and social skills and starting or progressing in a career in a chosen field. 
Changes to the rules in recent years mean that apprenticeships are now open to anyone who is eligible to work in the UK and who has not already completed the training or qualifications they need to effectively carry out their role or a new role. An apprenticeship must contain significant new learning. 
Read more in our blog
Am I eligible for an apprenticeship? Am I eligible for apprenticeship funding? Who is eligible for apprenticeship funding? 
To be eligible: 
· The apprentice needs to be living and working in England 
· They need to be 16 years old or above 
· They must have the legal right to work in the UK 
· They must have maintained UK residency for the last 3 years 
· They must be employed in a real job; they may be an existing employee or a new hire 
· They must work towards achieving an approved apprenticeship standard or apprenticeship framework 
· The apprenticeship training and employment must last at least 12 months 
· They are not undertaking or will benefit from DfE funding during their apprenticeship programme, including Student Loans. 
· They must work at least 30 hours a week 
· They must not hold a prior qualification at the same or higher level in the same subject area 
· They must be able to commit to the apprenticeship and its requirements 
You can find more course specific FAQs here
If you can’t find the question you are looking for, please just ask. 
Contact us to find out more about the apprenticeships available to you. 
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