Level 5 Learning and Development Consultant/ Business Partner Click here to download flyer 


Learning & Development Consultant/ Business Partner 



15-18 months  
Retail apprentices in a Supermarket


Role Profile 

A Learning and Development Consultant/ Business Partner is accountable for ensuring that L&D contributes to and influences improved performance in the workplace. The role can be a generalist learning and development or more specialist, where the focus and in-depth expertise is in a specific area such as organisation development, digital and blended learning, resourcing, or talent management. 
Typically, the individual works alongside colleagues who specialise in human resources (i.e. employee relations, reward, recruitment), often supported by an learning and development administrator and / or learning and development practitioner. They report to a senior learning and development manager, Head of department or Director. In larger organisations, they may be one of a team supporting the business, and may have responsibility for managing people and a budget. 
What you will learn: 
Paradigms, theories and models that underpin adult learning, group behaviour and learning culture 
Measuring impact and return on investment 
Facilitation skills 
Building effective work relationships with business managers 
Developing a learning culture 
Budget and resource management 
And much more... 

End-point assessment – What is this? 

End-point assessment is a new way of assuring quality in the apprenticeship system. It replaces the existing model of continuous assessment resulting in qualifications. 
Once an apprentice has completed their apprenticeship, they will be ‘signed off’ by their employer/ provider as ready for end-point assessment of their knowledge and practical capabilities. In most cases, the assessment will be graded and must show the apprentice is fully competent and productive in the occupation. 
End Point Assessment consists of: 
Work Based Project 
Presentation/ Q&A 

Next Steps 

For more information on Apprenticeships or to apply for an apprenticeship, please contact the Business Development Team on; 
01329 825805 
Westfield House 
PO16 0DH 
01329 825805 
For Learners / Apprentices - info@fareport.co.uk 
Opening hours 
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm 


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