Our expert trainers and assessors provide training to others who are pursuing a career in vocational Education and Training 
Award in Education and Training classroom session

Teaching, Assessing and Learning & Development Qualifications 

We also provide training to others pursuing a career in learning and development and vocational education and training. 
Learning and Development 
Our qualified trainers will support and encourage you through your qualification, tailoring this to your individual needs. Please feel free to explore further by clicking on the individual qualifications we offer and if you need any assistance, we would be happy to discuss the programmes. 
Westfield House 
PO16 0DH 
01329 825805 
For Learners / Apprentices - info@fareport.co.uk 
Opening hours 
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm 


European Social Fund Logo
Ofsted Outstanding Logo
Skills funding agency logo
Apprenticeships logo
Matrix logo
Training Excellence logo
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