Exams have moved on since your teacher would pace up and down your school sports hall to check no one was copying from the next desk. Remote invigilation is an option now where you can take exams at home or work, and the examining body uses software and your own camera to verify that you are in exam conditions. 
Are you worried about technology on top of your exam? 
Don’t underestimate this extra pressure! 
Are you worried about having a second device to manage? 
Top tips before the exam: 
• Clearly communicate any concerns or support you need and listen to any advice given 
• Read the guidance sent by the exam provider 
• Familiarise yourself with the format of the test/exam beforehand. Are you familiar with the exam platform and have you tested the I.T? 
• You may also want to consider the environment if you are doing an online exam – is it suitable and free from distractions? 
• Check that you have a second device (phone, tablet, second laptop, or computer), that can connect to the software needed and can be set up if needed (if a second device is used for a virtual classroom invigilation) 
• Test your device/s to ensure webcams and volume etc works (with a colleague, friend or family member if you can) 
On the day: 
• Is your desk clear and empty? 
• Is your device/s fully charged? 
• Ensure you have photographic ID (driving license or passport) to prove who you are 
• Is your desk/first device visible from behind/side with the second device? 
Good luck! 
To find out more about exam preparation, speak to your trainer. 
You may find these blogs useful: https://www.fareport.co.uk/news-blog/blog/tag=exams/ 
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