What is an apprenticeship in Care? You'll complete a nationally recognised qualification and be assessed throughout your learning in your workplace. According to Skills for Care, an apprenticeship is a great way to develop your skills and knowledge to become a confident and skilled care worker. If you’re new to adult social care an apprenticeship is a really good place to start. If you already work in social care, you can do an apprenticeship to help you progress in your career. 
• Care – is caring consistently and enough about individuals to make a positive difference to their lives 
• Compassion – is delivering care and support with kindness, consideration, dignity, empathy and respect 
• Courage – is doing the right thing for people and speaking up if the individual they support is at risk 
• Communication – good communication is central to successful caring relationships and effective team working 
• Competence – is applying knowledge and skills to provide high quality care and support 
• Commitment – to improving the experience of people who need care and support ensuring it is person centred 
⭐⭐⭐⭐Fareport Training is an Ofsted 'Good' work-based training provider⭐⭐⭐⭐ 
🆙⬆️📈We deliver apprenticeships with employers who want to upgrade the skills and qualifications of their workforce. 
Coaching and mentoring, both are becoming increasingly popular ways to develop employees are often confused and used interchangeably. 
If you’ve had a thought similar to this, read on. We hope we can answer some questions you may have in this blog. 
Fareport recommends mentoring in the workplace to support your training with us as your training provider. Linking the apprentice with a workplace mentor will keep them motivated and engaged and show them that you value their learning programme. A mentor can be a manager, supervisor, or an apprentice who has already completed the programme. To help keep them on track, a mentor can typically spend an hour a week with the learner to discuss their modules and progress and offer encouragement and support. 
The Apprentice Minimum Wage is set to rise on 1st of April 2024, from £5.28 to £6.40 per hour. At Fareport, we believe that employers should look beyond this if they want to recruit and retain the best apprentices. 
Do you want to boost your ability to retain your best talent? Learning and development is a systematic process to enhance an employee's skills, knowledge, and competency, resulting in better performance in a work setting. Investment in learning and development encourages staff to stay. 
All learners on an apprenticeship are entitled to time for off the job training, to support their qualification. This is an area that can cause real confusion for employers and learners. What does Off the job training even mean? How will we fit this in around the demands of the role? 
Let’s try to explain how it works. 
We know that many people have questions or thoughts when they see the word ‘apprenticeship’. 
What exactly is an apprenticeship these days? 
I don’t work with a particular trade or profession so how are they useful to me? 
We aren’t looking for new staff at the moment. 
I’m over 18, how can I be an apprentice? 
I’ve got a degree, so I wouldn’t be interested in an apprenticeship 
If you’ve had a thought similar to this, read on. We hope we can answer some questions you may have in this blog. 
What is a Training Needs Assessment? 
Training Assessment (sometimes called Training Needs Analysis or TNA) is the process of identifying the gap in employee training and related training needs. TNA is used to identify performance requirements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve the requirements of the role. When setting up an apprenticeship, accurate TNA allows you to identify the learning areas that support the employer to plan meaningful off the job training and the provider to develop an appropriate training plan. 
Westfield House 
PO16 0DH 
01329 825805 
For Learners / Apprentices - info@fareport.co.uk 
Opening hours 
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm 


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