New apprenticeship standards - 5 things you need to know
Posted on 15th April 2017 at 08:31
From May Fareport will be launching many new apprenticeship standards with our employers. Find out more about how a ‘standard’ differs to an old apprenticeship ‘framework’.
1. Standards are designed by employers
All new apprenticeship standards have been designed by employer ‘trailblazer’ groups. A minimum of 10 employers were needed to design each standard, so that the content reflects the skills that the industry needs.
2. All standards are summarised on 2 pages
The promise of 1 page standards has been stretched to mean 1 double-sided piece of paper! These simple 2 page summaries help employers and learners to quickly see what the standard covers. It defines the relevant job roles, programme duration, qualifications that are included and the knowledge, skills and behaviours that the learner will develop.
3. Standards cover Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours
When many people think of apprenticeships, they think of skills and practical application. New standards place equal emphasis on the knowledge the learner will develop, and the behaviours that employers want to see. While these have always been part of apprenticeship training, the expectations are now much for clearly defined for the learner and employer.
4. The programme is achieved at the End-Point Assessment
Under frameworks, apprenticeships were achieved through on-programme assessment. The learner and their trainer would build a portfolio of evidence throughout their programme showing that they’d met all the requirements of the apprenticeship framework. With standards, there will be an ‘End-Point Assessment’, carried out by an independent assessor. Just like in a driving test, this is a chance for the apprentice to show all the things they have learnt during the programme. Each standard uses different methods but common methods of End-Point Assessment are:
• Professional discussion
• Observation in the workplace
• Knowledge test
• Review of portfolio of work
5. Not all frameworks have been replaced with new standards
There are more new standards being approved every day. Employer groups are currently working on over 200 new standards and more will be added as new job roles and skills gaps are identified. Some standards are brand new job roles and others will replace existing frameworks. There are many examples of where a framework hasn’t been replaced with an equivalent standard, and so funding will continue for these (though at a reduced rate). For example, at Fareport we will continue to offer our employers and learners Apprenticeship Frameworks in Care Leadership & Management Level 5 and Business Administration at all levels until a new standard replaces them.
If you have any questions about new standards, speak to your Trainer or Account Manager, or Contact Us
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